Changing Language Preference in the Dlivrd App

Occasionally drivers will reach out for assistance because the language preference in their app has been reset and they are not sure how to fix it. Send the driver the following instructions and accompanying screenshots, which they can follow based on the words or character position on their screen.


Foodsby is an order provider in the Minneapolis, MN market. They are B2B service using the group order model (similar to Relish or Sharebite), processing individual meal orders from multiple restaurants in the area and coordinating delivery schedules. Their orders come in the afternoon before as usual but there are some distinct differences in the […]

Updating Notification Settings

Updating channel notifications is key in being able to prioritize messages and tasks throughout the day.  You may be included in channels where every message requires your attention or acknowledgement, and there may be some channels where you only need to access the messages if you are directly mentioned.  Using the appropriate notifications settings will […]

Responding to “Way Too Early” Notifications

If a driver marks their tasks successful more than 30 minutes before the scheduled pickup time we will receive a notification in the #way_too_early channel in Slack. Once a task has been marked successful the stop status can no longer be edited so it is important to have these notifications so that we can duplicate […]

Responding to “Still Not Delivered” Notifications

If a driver does not mark their delivery task Successful 10 minutes after the event time (the padded delivery time, or in the case of orders before 9:15 the shown delivery time) we will receive a notification in the “still_not_delivered” slack channel. The purpose of this notification is to alert us of a possible delay/issue at the […]

Responding to “Start Not Swiped” Notifications

If a driver marks their pickup task Successful but does not swipe start on their delivery task in 4 minutes, we will receive a notification in the #start_not_swiped channel in Slack.  If the delivery task is not started, the order tracking stops at the pickup and the Client/Customer will not receive updated information.  Appropriate tracking is important […]