CP Has No Record of the Order

If a driver calls/texts that they are at a pickup and the CP (restaurant) doesn’t have the order or is unaware of the order please follow the steps below: 

Redelivery Fees

There will be times when a driver has to reroute from the location provided in the app or make an additional trip back to the restaurant for missed items.  In these cases we are able to provide the driver with a $15 Redelivery Fee.  Using the Redelivery command in Slack we can create a new […]

Call and SMS Disposition Reference

Whenever a conversation is finished in Twilio, whether call or text, a disposition is required to close and move on to the next. The disposition lets us know what (in general) the conversation was about. Below is the list of current dispositions and when they should be used. These explanations are not exhaustive and there […]

Identifying and reporting fraudulent orders

Fraudulent orders are not an everyday occurrence but they do happen. Oftentimes these orders are coming from a false account created with an order aggregator (i.e. ezcater). While they can be tough to identify at a first glance there are some red flags that can indicate an issue that requires further investigation. Tips Excessive tipping […]


Sharebite is an order provider in the NYC, Nashville, Austin, San Francisco, Orange County and Los Angeles markets. They are B2B service processing individual meal orders from multiple restaurants in the area and coordinating delivery schedules. Their orders come in the afternoon before as usual but there are some distinct differences in the look of […]

Emmy Squared

Emmy Squared is a direct contract servicing the New York, DC Metro and Philadelphia Markets. They have multiple location in each market and specialize in catering of Detroit-style pizza and burgers. Orders for Emmy Squared should be handled with care and assigned to driers with enough equipment and experience to transport the Pizzas safely. Identifying […]

Wait Time Compensation

We can bill for wait time and compensate drivers that are waiting for an order to be prepared starting 15 minutes after the pickup time. Be sure to check the pickup history– if the driver is delayed reaching the pickup location., wait time starts billing 15 minutes after the arrival time. Billing for wait time


Incentives to orders are evaluated and can be added on a case by case basis by either a DSC, DLC, or senior most support team member on duty. The standard incentive amount that we will compensate is $5. Times when we can consider adding incentive compensation: How to Add Order Incentives

Parking Reimbursement

Parking is typically not covered, and is considered to be a part of the task.  There are certain situations where me may be able to compensate a portion of the costs, but these are evaluated on a case by case basis by the finance team.  If a driver is unable to pickup or deliver an […]