Responding to “Pickup Not Complete” Notifications
If a driver does not mark their pickup task Successful 15 minutes after the pickup time, we will receive a notification in the “pickup_not_complete” Slack channel. This is a prompt for DSC’s/Support to look into the progress of an order so that we can be proactively communicating delays with the order provider/restaurant partner, and also make sure […]
CP Has Delivery Time As Pickup Time
This particular scenario happens more often than one would think. Oftentimes the restaurant will have the wrong time for the driver to arrive, an example is an 11am pickup with an 1130am delivery time but the CP has it as an 1130am pickup. The driver is usually the one who will point this out in […]
Wait Time Compensation
We can bill for wait time and compensate drivers that are waiting for an order to be prepared starting 15 minutes after the pickup time. Be sure to check the pickup history– if the driver is delayed reaching the pickup location., wait time starts billing 15 minutes after the arrival time. Billing for wait time