September Earning Partner Spotlight: George D.
Check out George’s story below! What market are you in? Denver. How long have you been working with dlivrd? It will be 5 years next week. It is amazing how fast these years have gone by! What does your journey into the gig economy/dlivrd look like? My background includes almost 38 years of outside sales […]
April Earning Partner Spotlight: Orlando R.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Orlando R. from Austin, TX! How long have you been working with dlivrd? Since June of 2022! What does your journey into the gig economy/dlivrd look like? I’ve been in the restaurant industry for over 20 years in customer-centered roles. I’ve always enjoyed making people happy. So when I […]
March Earning Partner Spotlight: Heather A.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Heather A. from Nashville, TN! How long have you been working with dlivrd? Almost four years – since November of 2019! What does your journey into the gig economy/dlivrd look like? My background is in the medical field. I have my degree, and was doing that for so long. […]
February Earning Partner Spotlight: Emily O.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Emily Olaleye from Minneapolis, MN! How long have you been working with dlivrd? One year! Thoughts on hitting your one-year milestone of being an independently-contracted Earning Partner? I love being around people and forming relationships while I complete catering deliveries for dlivrd. The gig economy has saved my sanity, […]
January Earning Partner Spotlight: Mona E.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Mona Engelbrecht from Wichita, KS! How long have you been working with dlivrd? A month! What does your journey into the gig economy look like? My boyfriend started with dlivrd back in October. I was really impressed with his earnings from doing catering deliveries with dlivrd. With only doing […]
December Earning Partner Spotlight: Michelle C.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Michelle Cesare from Long Island, NY! How long have you been working with dlivrd?Three months! What does your journey into the gig economy/dlivrd look like?I felt as if my time at my W-2 job was coming to a close. I needed additional income on top of my W-2 job […]
November Earning Partner Spotlight: Dierdre S.
This month, we’re highlighting Earning Partner Dierdre Sakurai from Phoenix, AZ! How long have you been working with dlivrd? Since September of last year! What does your journey into the gig economy/dlivrd look like? I did customer service for a major grocery store chain. I retired last year after 38 years. So during the pandemic […]